
White House May Release Part Of The 9/11 Report That Is Still Classified As Top Secret

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Esquire: The White House Is Likely Going to Release a Secret Chapter from a 9/11 Investigation

The classified pages purportedly implicate Saudi Arabia.​

President Barack Obama has been under pressure to release 28 pages of a secret chapter from a joint congressional inquiry into the attacks on September 11, 2001. The chapter in question investigated potential links between Saudi Arabia and the 9/11 attackers. According to reports, the Obama Administration will release the pages soon.

"The 28 pages primarily relate to who financed 9/11, and they point a very strong finger at Saudi Arabia as being the principal financier," former Sen. Bob Graham said in February.

The documents have been stored in a secure room in the Capitol since the joint congressional inquiry into the attacks concluded.

Our own Charlie Pierce penned a column calling for their release on April 18, writing, "A vital part of [the history of September 11] remains hidden away in a locked room, the final bit of our common history hidden away for fear of inconveniencing a medievalist regime that has the gall to threaten the one country that has guaranteed its safety against its bellicose neighborhood."

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Update: White House poised to release secret pages from 9/11 inquiry -- AP

WNU Editor: The White House will be making its final decision on releasing these papers in June.

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