Showing posts with the label carbon dioxide

Interview with Paul Beckwith

1) Hi Paul. Thanks for agreeing to do this interview. First of all, could you tell us a bit about your background, how long you’ve been involved in climate science, and what areas of climatology you …
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Greenhouse gas levels and temperatures keep rising

At the Paris Agreement , nations pledged to cut emissions and avoid dangerous temperature rises. Yet, the rise in greenhouse gas levels and temperatures appears to be accelerating. Record growth of c…
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Sleeping Giant in the Arctic

Huge amounts of carbon are contained in sediments, soils and vegetation in the Arctic. Rising temperatures in the Arctic threaten to cause much of this carbon to be released to the atmosphere. On May…
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Monthly CO2 Levels Above 400ppm

For the first time since modern records began, monthly mean carbon dioxide levels were above 400 parts per million (ppm), as illustrated by the NOAA image below. NOAA just released the mean global c…
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Ocean Temperature Rise

Ocean Temperatures Of all excess heat resulting from people's emissions, 93.4% goes into oceans . Accordingly, the temperature of oceans has risen substantially. Globally, the average September o…
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Climate Plan

This image sums up the lines of action, to be implemented in parallel and as soon as possible, and targets of the Climate Plan, in order to avoid climate catastrophe. The Climate Plan and its various…
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