
The U.S. Soldier's Energy Drink Of Choice

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Van Winkle's: How the U.S. Military Got Hooked on an Energy Drink You’ve Never Heard Of

One can of Rip It shuttles roughly 100mg of caffeine into someone's system. It's cheap, effective and, if you're in the military, as essential as ammunition.

United States Army Ranger Shane Snell held the chunky aluminum can in his hand and took a deep breath. In the course of 30 minutes, he had downed five 8-ounce servings of Rip It, a military-approved energy drink that was infamous for causing a variety of unpleasant side effects when consumed in excess. This would be can number six. It took him ten minutes to finish it.

In the boredom arising out of a cool night in Ramadi, Iraq, this was a “Case Race,” or an attempt to down as many of the cans in a 24-pack as he and his squadron possibly could. When no one was interested, he and a friend took it upon themselves. By the time he slammed down a seventh, his sergeant burst in and told him to get moving.

“I knew this had been a bad idea,” Snell recalls.

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WNU Editor: Tried it once .... my system did not like it.

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