
September 2015 without Arctic Sea Ice?

The image below shows that Arctic sea ice extent, on March 8, 2015, was merely 14.263 square km. What would happen if the Arctic sea ice kept falling to, say, under 11 million square km by end April …
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Save the Arctic sea ice while we still can!

The Arctic Ocean is coming close to complete summer meltdown, writes John Nissen - indeed it could happen as soon as September, triggering a severe deterioration in climate across the northern hemisp…
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March 4, 2015 - Arctic Sea Ice Extent Hits Record Low

Sea surface temperature anomalies as high as 12°C (21.6°F) recorded off the east coast of North America have been described earlier, in he post ' Watch where the wind blows '. The Jet Stream …
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The Mechanism

What is the mechanism behind accelerated warming of the Arctic Ocean, huge abrupt methane eruptions from the seafloor of the Arctic Ocean and skyrocketing temperatures? 1. Potential for Methane Relea…
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Multiple Benefits Of Ocean Tunnels

By  Sam Carana  and  Patrick McNulty Comprehensive climate action will do more than just cutting emissions, it will also take further action, as pictured in the image below. Comprehensive and effecti…
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Climate Changed

Our climate has changed, as illustrated by the image below (Forecast for Feb. 23, 2015, 1200 UTC, run on Feb. 16, 2015). The left map shows temperatures of 40 degrees below zero moving down into Nort…
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