Water temperatures at different depth Why are methane concentrations in the atmosphere over the Arctic Ocean so high from October through to March? The image below, replotted by Leonid Yurganov from …
by Veli Albert Kallio The Norwegian Svalbard Islands are located just few hundred miles from the North Pole. It is a unique environment for glaciers: Here glaciers can survive almost at sea level. T…
by Malcolm Light click on image to enlarge References and Further Reading - State Of Extreme Emergency, by Malcolm P.R. Light http://arctic-news.blogspot.com/2014/09/state-of-extreme-emergency.html …
Andrew Harvey , founder & director of the Institute for Sacred Activism, interviews Dr. Guy McPherson on the topic of how to live with death in mind. Harvey reads excerpts from his foreword in Dr…
Record High Temperatures in 2014 The year 2014 was the warmest year across global land and ocean surfaces since records began in 1880, writes NOAA , adding the graph below. This graph illustrates tha…
Guy McPherson Guy McPherson is convinced that humunity will go extinct soon. Guy estimates that it will happen in 5 to 20 years time. In the video below, Guy discusses a chain of events causing sever…
By Albert Kallio The lateral viscosity of the thin Arctic sea ice cover continues to lower. In November just one quarter of the high Arctic Ocean basin above 85° north was covered by a thin this wint…