
Pentagon: Russia Will 'Probably' Be Told On Where US Special Ops Forces Will Be Deployed In Syria

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US Special Operations Forces (file photo)

Military.com: DoD: Russians Likely to Be Told Where US Special Ops Will Be in Syria

To avoid an airstrike, the Russians could be told where the additional 250 U.S. Special Operations troops President Obama has ordered into Syria will be based, Pentagon officials said Monday.

Pentagon Press Secretary Peter Cook said the location in rebel-held northeastern Syria was not being disclosed publicly in a precautionary move, but he noted that Moscow was given the coordinates last year when the initial group of 50 U.S. advisers and trainers went into the area.

"In the past, we have identified, we did identify, a specific geographic area where we asked the Russians not to strike," Cook said. "We're not talking publicly with you all about where they're going," Cook told Pentagon reporters, and he declined to discuss current communications with the Russians, but "we're taking every step we can to preserve the safety of our personnel and limit the risk they face."

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WNU Editor: I thought there were no U.S. boots on the ground in Syria (see previous post). But since President Obama has already indicated that U.S. forces are in Syria, I will not be surprised if the Pentagon has already told Russia's MoD on where these soldiers will be deployed. In fact .... Russian  media is already giving hints that the U.S. and Russian military are coordinating their actions in Syria .... Pentagon: Russian Military ‘Respectful’ of US-Led Coalition Forces in Syria (Sputnik), and here .... Lavrov: Russia, US Cooperating in Syria Despite Washington's Statements (Sputnik).

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