
NATO Moves To Block Libyan Migrant Route To Europe

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Migrants and refugees: the routes to Europe ©Kun TIAN, Thomas SAINT-CRICQ (AFP)

Middle East Eye: Italy says NATO 3 months from Libya naval mission to stop migrants

The Libya mission is set to be approved by alliance leaders at a Warsaw summit on 7 July, Italy's defence minister said

NATO is three months from launching a naval mission off Libya under a controversial plan to close the Western Mediterranean migrant route to Europe and begin mass repatriations, Italy said on Monday.

The advanced state of preparations was revealed by Italian Defence Minister Roberta Pinotti as leaders of the US, Britain, France, Germany and Italy prepared to meet in Hanover, Germany for talks expected to touch on the migrant crisis and instability caused by the rise of the Islamic State group.

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Update #1: NATO to close Libya migrant route to Europe -- AFP
Update #2: US warships may join EU in patrolling waters off Libya -- The Guardian

WNU Editor: Some believe such a move will mean nothing in the end .... Italy's plan to combat Libyan migrant smugglers could mean chasing shadows (The Guardian).

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