
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- April 27, 2016

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The Hill: Fears grow about rising US troop levels in Middle East

Fears are growing in Congress about the deeper U.S. involvement in the Middle East.

The latest flashpoint is President Obama’s decision this week to send an additional 250 special operations troops to Syria, where they will support forces battling the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

The decision follows a separate move to increase the number of troops in Iraq and as the Pentagon and White House struggle to withdraw troops as scheduled from Afghanistan, where the Taliban — and a nascent ISIS presence — are gaining strength.
The continual deployments have alarmed dovish lawmakers who worry about mission creep, a gradual shift in military objectives over the course of a campaign.

“We see a continual escalation with the now 250 additional troops,” Rep. Barbara Lee (D-Calif.), the lone dissenting vote against 2001 legislation authorizing military force in Afghanistan, told The Hill on Tuesday.

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Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- April 27, 2016

Russia wants more details about U.S. special forces deployment in Syria -- Reuters

Obama open to sending more troops to Syria -- The Hill

UK debuts 'bunker buster' bombs against the Islamic State -- IHS Jane's 360

North Korea’s New Nuclear Sub Is Wickedly Unsafe -- David Axe, Daily Beast

Pentagon Expects Russia to Discourage Flyovers of US Ships Going Forward -- Sputnik

Russian official refutes reports on signed contract for S-400 supplies to India -- TASS

Death Proof: Russia’s T-90 Tank Withstands US Missile Attack in Syria -- Sputnik

Russian President Putin warns of 'consequences' over delayed space launch -- DW

Russia's Military Modernization: Where Next? -- Samuel Bendett, The Compass

Five Things About the People’s Liberation Army -- WSJ

Kuwait to get two more Patriot fire bases -- IHS Jane's 360

Saudi Arabia's Surprising New Military Goals -- Ellen R. Wald, Forbes

Eleven shot dead in Cape Verde military barracks -- DW

France Celebrates ‘Historic’ Submarine Win in Australia -- Defense News

Why Japan Lost the Bid to Build Australia’s New Subs -- The Diplomat

Germany confirms departure of spy agency chief -- Reuters

Germany has sacked its spy chief but hasn’t said why -- Quartz

Germany announces new head of BND foreign intelligence service -- DW

Germany Creates Cyber, IT Defense Branch -- Defense News

U.S. sends F-22 warplanes to Romania -- CNN

McCain to Press for Disclosure of Bomber Bid in Defense Measure -- Bloomberg

F-35 Chief: Software Bugs No Longer a Threat To IOC -- Defense News

Lawmakers Move To Restore Army Aviation Budget Cuts -- Defense News

F-35 to Go Up Against A-10 in 'Common Sense' War Scenario Showdown -- Military.com/Stars and Stripes

Army Builds New Lightweight .50-Cal Machine Gun -- Scout

Army Wants To Link All Drones on the Battlefield -- Defense News

GOP, Dem clash over defense bill's war fund -- The Hill

Commander for air war against ISIS nominated for CENTCOM position -- Air Force Times

Pentagon aims to curb tobacco use by military: memo -- Reuters

Team Obama raising tobacco prices at U.S. military bases to curb smoking -- Washington Times

Army’s first female infantry officer is Capt. Kristen Griest, Ranger School graduate -- Washington Post

Army combat boot is not female friendly, lawmakers say -- Army Times

Details Emerge in Secretive Chinese Drone Case -- Defense News

GAO: Agencies need to collaborate to prevent EMP threat -- Federal Times

The CIA Illegally Let the Wrong People Do Intelligence Work, Declassified Report Finds -- Jason Leopold, VICE News

New study: Snowden’s disclosures about NSA spying had a scary effect on free speech -- Jeff Guo, Washington Post

What’s Wrong with Obama’s National Security Council? -- Derek Chollet, Defense One

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