
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- April 25, 2016

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CNN: Obama announces an additional 250 special operations forces to Syria

(CNN)President Barack Obama announced Monday an additional 250 special operations forces will be sent to Syria in the coming weeks in a speech in Hannover, Germany, in an effort to stem the influence and spread of ISIS.

"Just as I approved additional support for Iraqi forces against ISIL, I've decided to increase U.S. support for local forces fighting ISIL in Syria, a small number of special operations forces are already on the ground in Syria and their expertise has been critical as local forces have driven ISIL out of key areas," Obama said, using another acronym for the jihadist group.

"So given their success I've approved the deployment of up to 250 additional U.S. personnel in Syria including special forces to keep up this momentum," he said.

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Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- April 25, 2016

Obama says new US troops in Syria will be essential -- AP

Obama outlines plans to expand U.S. Special Operations force in Syria -- Washington Post

2,300 California-based Marines just deployed to the Middle East -- Marine Times

The U.S. is pushing a new strategy to make the Iraqis man up against ISIS -- Military Times

U.S. military chief pays quiet visit to Iraq post where Marine died -- Washington Post

Kremlin declines comment on US plan to send troops to Syria -- TASS

Russia closes one of two runways at Syrian airbase -- IHS Jane's 360

Russia starts tests of new electronic warfare system for defense against aerospace threats -- TASS

Russia's Military Just Bought Five Bottlenose Dolphins and It Won't Say Why -- NBC

Chinese Hypersonic Weapons Development -- Jamestown Foundation

JAPAN: China's military buildup is making the world 'greatly worried' -- Reuters

Japan scrambled fighters against China a record 571 times in fiscal 2015 -- Japan Times

Why Ukraine's New Tactical Missile is Little More Than Flying Hunk of Metal -- Sputnik

Polish Defense Ministry Eyes Apache Helicopters -- Defense News

UK and France activate joint expeditionary force -- IHS Jane's 360

Britain’s military standing would not suffer after Brexit -- Anand Menon, Financial Times

U.S. military chief pays a visit to Cairo as the Sinai militancy intensifies -- Washington Post

U.S. shifts troops in the Sinai Peninsula after attacks by militants -- L.A. Times

US Lawmakers look to get tough on Russia -- The Hill

Miniature Hit-to-Kill (MHTK) Missile, United States of America -- Army Technology

House Armed Services Committee Markup Will Restore 11 F-35s -- Defense News

Navy Green-Lights Development of New Helicopter-Airplane Hybrid -- Motley Fool

Courtney Seeks Boost In Sub Numbers, Cruiser Compromise In 2017 NDAA -- Breaking Defense

Why the US Needs Conventional Submarines -- Torsten Heinrich, The Diplomat

Navy Combatants Can Defend Against Emerging Missile Threat -- National Defense

The Navy is ready to dump the military's most pointless uniform -- Navy Times

Hacking Risks Found in U.S. Army's $12 Billion Mobile Network -- Bloomberg

Pentagon looks to reduce $4 billion energy bill -- The Hill

A Washington Ritual: Pentagon, Congress at Odds Over Bases -- Robert Burns, AP

Congress takes its first step toward killing the military draft -- Military Times

Budget Indecision Leaves a Restless Army -- Gen. Gordon R. Sullivan, U.S. Army retired (Army Magazine)

Pentagon Hard Pressed to Absorb Next Round of Acquisition Reforms -- Sandra I. Erwin, National Defense

Army chief to leaders: Winning is everything in combat -- Army Times

Should America Build a Smaller, More Lethal U.S. Army? -- Robert Prescott, National Interest

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