Showing posts with the label storms

Arctic Sea Ice Collapse Threatens - Update 8

The image below, from Arctic-roos.org , shows Arctic sea ice extent up to September 6, 2015. Editorial note: The dramatic drop in sea ice extent shown on the image below turns out to be an error. The…
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Arctic Sea Ice Collapse Threatens - Update 6

The image below shows Arctic sea ice extent, with the blue dot indicating that extent for August 22, 2015, was 5.382 million square kilometers. The record shows that, at this time of the year, extent…
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Disappearance Of Thick Arctic Sea Ice

[ view full image at facebook  ] Arctic sea ice is in a horrible state. On August 16, 2015, Arctic sea ice extent was 5.786 million square km, the smallest extent on record for this time of year exce…
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Storms Over Arctic Ocean

The image below shows sea surface temperature anomalies over the Arctic on July 27, 2015. [  departure from 1961-1990 temperatures, click on image to enlarge  ] The image below shows sea surface temp…
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The Threat of Storms Wreaking Havoc in the Arctic Ocean

Arctic sea ice extent is close to a record low for the time of the year, as the image below shows. Furthermore, the current decline in sea ice extent is much steeper than it used to be for this time …
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More extreme weather can be expected

The heaviest rains and floods in 120 years have hit Serbia and Bosnia this week, Reuters and Deutsche Welle report. The animation below shows the Jet Stream's impact on the weather. Cold temper…
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